17 March – Bullying

I know I sound like a stuck record but every parent must read “The Bully, the Bullied and the Bystander” by Barbara Coloroso at some stage during their child’s formative years.

Hopefully your child will never be bullied but if they are, you will be prepared.


Now onto what I’ve been involved in over the past year; adult bullying.

After I broached the subject a year ago my inbox has been inundated ever since, with emails from folk, ordinary folk like you and I, who have been bullied in the family, workplace, neighbourhood and socially.

I have replied to every one personally and as time permits I will edit and post some of them.


Adult bullying is very much an unspoken subject because most folk believe it is a childhood problem and when it happens to them they are humiliated and embarrassed.

More on this later.



Food for Thought


Adult Bullies