9 September

Another frost this morning with Sam starting up the pump at 2:40am.

Ruby made him a chocolate cake before she went to bed so he’s happy.

Coffee and cake…what more could a man want during frost-fighting to keep awake and alert!…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

This new system of feedback coming to my email address now is working well as my email server filters out the rubbish.  Ha ha… bet the  spammers.…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Our colour choice for our house has inspired many.

One woman  up in Auckland sent me a photo of her house with one wall already painted Resene Triple Arrowtown and it looks stunning.

Sandra Hobbs Hobbs Orchard Garden

A photo of our sunroom with its new coat of paint. Doesn’t it look great!



Streaking is back in the news.

In 1974, streaking was the latest harmless craze.

Ray Stevens’ “The Streak” became a hit on the radio and most had a laugh when somebody was brave enough to ‘streak.’

It was basically a male dominated sport with men of all ages partaking.

It wasn’t deviant or sexual; it was just a naked person running like mad across a sports ground, down a street, across a backyard or the Roxburgh bridge. Yes folks,  Roxburgh had a streaker!


Back in the seventies I was invited to watch a game of tennis with a friend.
Even though tennis had never interested me I thought I’d give it a go and see if it was as boring as I was convinced it was.

It was , and a quarter way through the game, just before I fell into a deep coma, I spied a streaker out of the corner of my eye.

I came alive and so did most of the crowd.

The streaker ran around like a headless chook for a minute and then made his escape.

Nobody assaulted him.

Everybody smiled.

And the game continued.

And this chubby little chap with a cheeky smile woke me from my near-miss coma.

What could have been a boring day turned out OK in the end.


rose border