Ask Aunty S

Dear Aunty S

I have a wonderful friend who has raised three children on her own for many years now.

She is an amazingly strong woman and a fantastic mother.

When things are tough whether it be exhaustion at work or money worries, she smiles at the world and pretends everything is all right.

She has an infectious laugh and has brightened many a person’s day with it.

When my husband died, she was just so amazing to my family and I.

She cried with us, was there for us on a continual basis, and still is.  During the first few months of raw grief I always knew my children or I could ring her up and we could cry together.

On my first birthday without my husband she and some of her family made a surprise visit with cakes and presents.

How do I repay such kindness?

Any ideas?


Aunty S Responds:

The answer is simple my dear.

Treasure your friendship forever and never let her down.

How fortunate you are to have her in your life.

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