Ask Aunty S


Dear Aunty S

I never thought I would be writing to an Agony Aunt but as I am pleased you have touched on a subject that most people want to avoid, here goes.

I was cyber harassed by a workmate and it drove me nuts.

He wrote lies about me on his Facebook, and his friends fed it along also.

TXT messages throughout the day were annoying at first but then they wore me down completely.

Friends of mine tried to make him stop but he just laughed at them.

In the end I went to my boss who I thought would be unsympathetic and was surprised when he said he’d put a stop to it.

The bully was so shocked he resigned, as he was so embarrassed as he’d been shown up as a liar and bully.

I had a happy ending but I don’t think this happens enough.

Keep writing about it Sandra.


Aunty S Responds

Thanks for writing in.

Your story will help others.

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